Big Little Lies – Exposing abuse we often avoid sharing

I recently read about Nicole Kidman winning an Emmy for Big Little Lies, a 2017 HBO mini-series starring Reese Witherspoon, Shailene Woodley, and Nicole Kidman. The show also won several other awards that evening, but none struck me more than Kidman playing the role of an abused wife, mother to two boys, and victim to her batterer. This great cast of three women in the TV series opened eyes and unraveled the truth about domestic violence and how victims often live through it.

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The Light at the End of the Tunnel – NOT!

Almost a year since my last post, and while I’ve continued to advocate and attempt to lift the ones who cross my path “up” I haven’t been able to share what I know best due to my life experiences.

Truth is, it has been a difficult year to write anything, let alone pen my excruciating year-span of continued abuse (by proxy) down on a blog. We’ve all heard that it never ends, yet you only really realize how bad it can keep getting when you actually have to live through it. Continue reading