We’re listening…

If you are a single mother with a story to share, and maybe even a good life experience that you think we can learn from, we would love to hear from you.

Rock Star Mums is dedicated to helping single mothers around the world grow and learn from one another. Each of us has a different parenting style, operates under different circumstances, and is dealing with different issues and problems. As a community, we encourage all single mothers to love and share their meaningful life experiences and tips so other mothers like yourself can grow along with you.

Throughout our journeys and life’s battles, the best way to live and love is to help one another. If you have a life-changing experience you would love to share (yes, you can remain anonymous) or if you read one of our blog posts and feel that you have advice to offer, send us an email and we would be happy to share it with other mothers in our community.

Email Becca at rockstarmums@gmail.com today.

4 thoughts on “We’re listening…

  1. jaque says:

    I don’t know how you found my blog and why you’ve even followed it but just in case you throw back the question at me, I’d say I am a single mother indeed and my story wasn’t special either but I do believe in what you said that the best way to live and love is to help one another, I have struggled so much in my past but I do not regret them as they have shaped me to what I am today. Having to struggle and stand alone is hard that most people just give up but knowing that you are not alone makes all the difference. I hope you best of luck on your goals and remember to keep your head held high with your feet firmed to the ground.


    • Becca says:

      Hi Jacque,
      Let’s just say it’s fated that I found your blog. I regularly follow blogs of other single mothers to gain inspiration and perspective from their experiences. I’m glad you read mine and thank you for the advice. You have been through a lot from what I read and I can only tell you that you are in my prayers. Stay strong and keep reading. Would love to hear your comments on our site anytime you can. Keep in touch!


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