Why Your Resolutions Aren’t Working!?

If you’ve already made your New Year’s resolutions, you’ve made them too early.

As the year begins to unfold, many of us feel caught in the New Year’s surge, like a rush to start the new year right. Everyone’s in some sort of rat race to get where they want to go and be who they want to be. Everyone seems to be rushing for some finish line, an invisible magnetic boundary that determines how successful you are once again in another year of the game of life. Continue reading

Love Yourself

February is the month of love… there’s no denying that. However, for many single mothers, it can be a nostalgic month of lost love and visions of how life should have, would have, and could have been.

On a side note, I’ve gotten so carried away with life, the meaning of February has bypassed my conscious mind. When I sit and think of it, I catch myself wondering why February? Because it’s Valentine’s Day? Why can’t every day be Valentine’s Day and why must it be about couples? Continue reading

Life is such…

A night of rekindled friendships…. heavy conversations…
when life goes as fast as we see it, it’s tough to pinpoint where we really went wrong.
But life is such. Continue reading

Be still…

When life feels like it’s fading through your grip,

When the entire world feels like it’s revolving through your grasp,

Hold on, for as temporary as everything is,

There is always a moment to kick back and relax.  Continue reading

Big Little Lies – Exposing abuse we often avoid sharing

I recently read about Nicole Kidman winning an Emmy for Big Little Lies, a 2017 HBO mini-series starring Reese Witherspoon, Shailene Woodley, and Nicole Kidman. The show also won several other awards that evening, but none struck me more than Kidman playing the role of an abused wife, mother to two boys, and victim to her batterer. This great cast of three women in the TV series opened eyes and unraveled the truth about domestic violence and how victims often live through it.

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