The Light at the End of the Tunnel – NOT!

Almost a year since my last post, and while I’ve continued to advocate and attempt to lift the ones who cross my path “up” I haven’t been able to share what I know best due to my life experiences.

Truth is, it has been a difficult year to write anything, let alone pen my excruciating year-span of continued abuse (by proxy) down on a blog. We’ve all heard that it never ends, yet you only really realize how bad it can keep getting when you actually have to live through it. Continue reading

The October Reminder for Those Abused

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month… It has been a tough month for many, even for those who have healed.

If you noticed, I haven’t written much for a long time, not because I didn’t, but because I couldn’t. Sometimes life throws surprises (nasty ones) at you and drags you a little lower than you thought you had been. When October befalls, it gets even worse…

I had chosen to leave in September three years ago, and by the time I was on the journey out of hell, October was here and the campaigns had begun. Signs were everywhere no matter how far we tried to run. It was hard, and though I thought I had toughened up, October still hurts…

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I fear the recluse of my own soul,
I fear I’m about to lose control.

I counter the sins of my enemies,
Then fight my own demons that dwell within me.

The truth it hurts, beseeches my heart,
The glorified pain that steers my path.

A mind with no being fights twice as hard,
To learn that what’s sacred will be torn apart.

So numb that my existence seems to cease,
So real this revenge they just can’t resist.

In my mortal being, I take all the blame,
For someone’s mistakes that have caused us this pain.

Track forward another ten years from right now,
Will I still be here, will I still be around.

As the waves wash upon my bitter needs,
God comes to me now and makes me complete.

Once blinded but now I can see,
The deepest and darkest secrets inside thee.

When my devils asleep and my mind’s all agile,
I will torment thy flesh so you feel my pain all this while.

Nec Aspera Terrent

My calm surrender of that faithful morning...

My calm surrender of that faithful morning… (*Photo Credit:

As a survivor with keen interests in the sociology and psychology of what makes humans tick, this Latin phrase stands out most to me of all those I’ve come across. Literal translations range in meaning depending on where this phrase has been used.

In history, military soldiers had this phrase embroidered on their caps as they suffered painstakingly to protect their nation. The 27th infantry regiment in the United States, which was established in 1901, also adopted this phrase as its motto.

Several meanings have sprung from this phrase including:
“No Fear on Earth” (US 27th infantry)
“Difficulties be Damned” (British Duke of Lancaster Regiment)

Other translations include:
“Nor do hardships terrify”
“They don’t terrify the rough ones”
“Hardships do not deter us”

Today, this phrase, whichever one of the above translations applied, can best be used to describe my mental state of mind as I walked into a room filled with familiar, yet cold faces (the kind you see in a horror movie after everyone is possessed and zombified). I was not alone, but yet I was… Continue reading

Everybody Needs a Little Lovin’ Sometimes

Alexander Patton sang A Little Lovin’ Sometimes, a soul record that spun him into superstar recognition (see video above). His voice fills the room in my little cozy bungalow and ever so often, you might catch a glimpse of me dancing across the wooden floor boards smiling to myself. Continue reading