2016- My Resolution for Gratitude

Gratitude- RockStarMums.com

Gratitude (Image Credit: BK)

At some point in life, all of us make New Year resolutions to try to be better, happier, healthier, smarter, richer, wiser…. Prettier? LOL. Yet in the last two years, I haven’t made one resolution, not because I had none, but because my life had taken its toll on me and I was made to live day-to-day constantly battling and trying to figure out which foot might fall next. What would be the point then to have any resolutions at all when I had no clue what to expect each time I woke up? Continue reading

Finding Fault is Easy… Taking Responsibility is Not

 Today’s reflection:

Finding fault is easy..
Taking responsibility is not.

As young children, we are often quick to point fingers and blame someone else for something that has gone wrong. This is especially true when an adult calls us out for making a mistake or doing a bad deed.

I recall dragging my sisters into the mud with me (literally) at 10 years old, then quickly claiming it was their idea when my parents pulled all three of us out, their faces riddled with expressions that crossed between shock and anger. What could the harm be with playing in the mud? (That was all I could think of at the time.) And how bad is the spanking going to be this time…

Loving Yourself

Loving Yourself (Image: BK)

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Hear My Prayer – The Serenity Prayer

Hear My Prayer

Hear My Prayer (*Photo Credit: RockStarMums)

In some of my deepest, darkest moments, the Lord has continued to send Angels down to watch over me and touch my heart each time I feel sadness or pain. A very special person gave me this chocolate hand in a prayer position. On the inside, a beautiful Serenity Prayer that spoke the words of comfort, motivation, and hope (see image below). Continue reading

A Humbling Lesson from Nepal

Video Credit: singhgurpreet

On April 25th, a devastating earthquake of magnitude-7.8 rocked Nepal, injuring and killing thousands of innocent children and their families. Just yesterday, Nepal was once again shattered by a magnitude-7.3 earthquake that shook Kathmandu, destroying school buildings, structures, and homes of many more victims already struggling to piece back their lives from just two short weeks ago. Continue reading

My Wish on Mother’s Day

My Wish on Mother's Day

Image credit RockStarMums

Anyone can have a child, but it takes the true spirit, kindness, patience, and love of a mother to raise one. For some of us, it is our biological mothers who do the job. For others, a mother might be an aunt, a teacher, a sister, and even a friend. Continue reading